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Build faster with Foray

Getting Started


Thanks for purchasing Foray! This guide covers the basic usage of the template as well as an overview of the template structure. If you require assistance please don't hesitate to get in touch via the Template Support Page.

Blank Starter Template

Inside the "Template" directory, you'll find a page titles "Blank Starter Template". This template includes a navigation bar, a footer, and a back to top button and is the ideal starting point for your pages.

1. Duplicate the Blank Starter Page template:
Note: Be sure to change the Parent Folder to the desired location.
2. Copy and paste blocks to the newly created page:

Copy blocks from any of Foray's pages, then paste them into the body of your newly created page. For your convenience, here are the links to all blocks sorted into categories:

Style Guide Classes

The Style Guide page demonstrates the display of all base elements found in Foray and is a good place to start familiarising yourself with the template.

Alongside the element demonstration you'll find instructions on how to correctly use the associated utility classes

Style Guide Demonstration

Custom Code

Inside the Project Settings, in the Custom Code tab you'll notice some style code has been added to the head of each page:

Font Rendering Custom Code

This code is to ensure that the text rendering is smooth and consistent across all browsers. It does not require any action on your part.